Dividend History

Dividend History

The Timken Company (TKR) has paid consecutive quarterly dividends on the common shares of the company for over 100 years, since its listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 1922, one of the longest-running dividend records among NYSE-listed companies.


Investor Relations Contact

Neil Frohnapple

Vice President of Investor Relations

Mail Code: WHQ-03
The Timken Company
4500 Mount Pleasant Street NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (234) 262-2310
Email: investors@timken.com

Transfer Agent

EQ Shareowner Services

P.O. Box 64874
St. Paul MN 55164-0874
Telephone: 800-401-1957
Outside US: 651-450-4064

Shareholder Contact

Shareholder Services

Mail Code: WHQ-03
The Timken Company
4500 Mount Pleasant Street NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (234) 262-4204